AWARDS designed and made by Geert Maas.
Top row from left to right:
"Museums in Motion"
annual provincial award British Columbia Museums Association.
"Ostec Plaque" annual award Okanagan Science & Technology Council
"Ostec Award" annual award Okanagan Science & Technology Council
Bottom row from left to right:
"The Thespian" annual provincial award Theatre BC Mainstage, British Columbia
"Kelowna Tourism Award" Kelowna Chamber of Commerce, Tourism Kelowna, BC
"The Golden Goblet" annual People's Choice Award, The Coast Capri Hotel, Kelowna,
public art and commissions | monumental sculptures & installations |
sculptures | commissioned awards |
paintings | wall sculptures | medals
© Copyright 1965-2025 Geert Maas & Geert Maas Sculpture Gardens and Gallery Inc.