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television and radio appearances


1944 Born in The Netherlands - 1979 Immigrated to Canada


Sculptures and installations in various media, reliefs, medals, paintings and etchings


Kijkduin Academy, The Hague
1975 Applied Art Teaching Diploma
1970 Drawing/Painting Teaching Diploma
Academy of Art, (Vrije Academie) The Hague
1967-1969 Specialising in sculpture, ceramics, model drawing and painting
Peter Kanis Academy, Nijmegen
1961-1966 Graduated as a teacher with principal's qualifications and honours in art history
1961 De Olde Kruijk Ceramic Studio


City of Burnaby, Canada
City of Kamloops, Canada
City of Kasugai, Japan
City of Kelowna, Canada (2008-2007, 2002, 1997)
City of The Hague, The Netherlands
City of Vancouver, Canada
University Museum, Bergen, Norway
Kyoto Tachibana University, Japan
National Museum "Staatliche Kunstsammlungen", Dresden, Germany
Muzeum Sztuki Medalierskiej, Wroclaw, Poland
Western Washington University Library, Bellingham, WA, U.S.A.
Museum Beelden aan Zee, Scheveningen, The Netherlands
Simon Fraser University, Burnaby/Vancouver, Canada
Okanagan College, Vernon, BC
Association of Interior Realtors, British Columbia, Canada
British Columbia Museums Association, Canada
Theatre BC, Mainstage, Province of British Columbia, Canada
Pay Works, Winnipeg, Canada
Okanagan Science & Technology Council, Canada 
7505 Realty & Development Corporation, Manila, Philippines
Central Okanagan Hospice, Kelowna BC
District of Lake Country, British Columbia, Canada
Holiday Park Developments Ltd. Kelowna, BC Canada
Gardens of Art, Bellingham, WA, U.S.A.
Doheny Publications Inc., Seattle, WA, U.S.A.
CP Hotels
The Coast Hotels
Delta Properties Corporation, Edmonton, AB
Dairy & Heritage Museum, Ontario
Kelowna Chamber of Commerce, BC
Kelowna Public Art Gallery, BC
Medical Center, Osoyoos, BC 
Prince George Public Art Gallery, BC
Sculptor's Society of Canada
Gallery Telpaz Inc., Ottawa
Lifespace Holdings Ltd., Oyama, BC
AB-Consult, The Netherlands
New Ron Holdings Ltd., Calgary, AB
Arpeg Holdings Ltd., Vancouver
Ranleigh Consulting & Management Services Inc., Toronto
The Coast Capri Hotel, Kelowna 
Quantech Software.com Inc., Canada
Legato Centre, Kelowna, BC
TSI Calgary, AB
Dutch Canadians Society, Vancouver
Oxford Properties Group - Orchard Park, Kelowna, BC
MADD Canada - Mothers Against Drunk Driving 
YMCA-YWCA Kelowna, B.C.

Represented in prestigious public, corporate and private collections in many countries including Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Great Britain, Hungary, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Mexico, The Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, The U.S.A.


Ongoing Project Geert Maas Short Videos and Podcasts http://processart.ca/geertmaas
2025-1986 Geert Maas Art Exhibitions, with various titles, Geert Maas Sculpture Gardens and Gallery, Kelowna, BC
FIDEM XXXVIII, State Antique Collection (Antiken sammlung) Konigsplatz, Munich, Germany

Myths, Fables & Fairytales, RCA, Rotary Centre for the Arts, Kelowna, B.C.

FIDEM XXXVII, Bibliotec National de Firenze, Florence, Italy

Algonquin Art Centre Exhibit, Ontario
2021-2020 FIDEM XXXVI, Tokyo, Japan

Creative Ignition, Group Show, September 27-28 Peachland Visitor Centre, Peachland, BC

FIDEM XXXV, Canadian Museum of Nature, Ottawa, Canada
The Medallic Art Society of Canada Members Exhibit 2018, Ottawa School of Art Gallery, Ottawa, Canada

International Coin and Medal Art Exhibition, China Numismatic Museum, Beijing and China National Convention Centre, Shanghai
THE 150 - Canadian Celebration Exhibit Sequicentennial Anniversary of Confederation 2017, Canadian Sculpture Centre, Toronto, Ontario

FIDEM XXXIV, Provincial Museum of Ancient Arts, Namur, Belgium
The Beauty of Animals, Medialia...Rack and Hamper Gallery, New York, USA
MASC The Great War Exhibition, Fort York Visitors Centre, Toronto, Ontario

International Art Medal Competition The Beauty of Animals, Tongdao Gallery, Beijing, China & New York, Beijing, Shanghai, Shenyang and Dalian

FIDEM XXXIII, Sophia, Bulgaria
Westside Culture Days, West Kelowna, BC

Sculpture Northwest, Big Rock Garden Park, Bellingham, WA, USA
Bellevue Arts Museum, Bellevue, WA, USA
Okanicon Iconagan, Headbones Gallery, Vernon, BC

FIDEM XXXII, University of Glasgow, Scotland
MASC & Niagara 1812 Bicentennial Legacy Council Exhibition, Rodman Hall Art Centre and Gallery Brock University, St.Catharines, Ontario
Headbones Gallery, Vernon, BC

Medallic Art Society of Canada Exhibition, Rodman Hall Art Centre and Gallery Brock University, St.Catharines, Ontario
The Art Medal: Past and Present, Brookgreen Gardens, Myrtle Beach, SC, USA
Okanagan Eyes Okanagan Wise Okanagan-ise, Headbones Gallery, Vernon, BC

FIDEM XXXI, Tampere Art Museum, Finland

MASC, Glen Williams Gallery, Ontario
Gardiner Museum of Ceramic Art, Toronto

The Best of MASC, Medallic Art Society of Canada, Geert Maas Sculpture Gardens and Gallery, Kelowna, BC

Historical Museum and Park, Birmingham, MI, USA
30th Fédération Internationale de la Médaille Colorado Springs, USA
Burnaby Art Gallery, Burnaby, BC
Life and Arts Festival, Kelowna, BC
2007-2004 Canadian Sculpture Centre, Toronto

Biennial Bellevue Sculpture Exhibition, Bellevue, WA, USA
West Vancouver Memorial Library, Vancouver, BC
Pendulum Gallery, Vancouver, BC
Van Dusen Gardens, Vancouver, BC
2006-2005 Padded Cell Gallery, Royal Oak, Michigan, USA
2006-2002 Summer Exhibitions, The Barn Gallery, Oyama, BC
2006-1999 Artwalk, Winfield, District of Lake Country,BC

Forest Lawn Museum, Glendale, CA, USA
Legacies Through Time Sculptors' Society of British Columbia Alumni
Surrey Public Art Gallery, Surrey, BC

Nordic Heritage Museum, Seattle, WA
FIDEM XXIX, Seixal, Portugal
The Sculptors' Society of B.C., Vancouver Public Library, The Moat Gallery
Fire and Rebirth, The Art Ark, Kelowna, BC
Search for Essential Elements, North Vancouver Arts Council

75th Anniversary Juried Exhibition,
Sculptors Society of Canada,
John B. Aird Gallery, Toronto

Musee de la Monnaie, Paris, France
Canadian War Museum, Ottawa
International Sculpture Symposium,
Okanagan Thompson, BC
Okanagan Sculptors and Photographers,
The Art Ark, Kelowna, BC
Gallery Telpaz Artists,

Public Expression - The Maquette,
Canadian Sculpture Centre, Toronto
Geert Maas,
Kelowna Community Theatre, Kelowna, BC 
The Creative Voice: Life and Art in the Okanagan,
Art Gallery of the South Okanagan, Penticton, BC 
Erotic Figure Show,
The Barn Gallery, Oyama, BC
The Heat,
The Art Ark, Kelowna, BC  

Geert Maas,
Simon Fraser University Gallery, Burnaby BC 
Geert Maas,
The Teck Gallery, Simon Fraser University at Harbour Centre,  Vancouver 
Goethe National Museum, Weimar, Germany 
Canadian Numismatic Association Convention,
Toronto International Art Fair, TIAF,
Exotic Erotic,
Headbones Gallery, Vernon, BC  

Passion and Vision:The Work of Geert Maas,
Retrospective Exhibition, Kelowna Public Art Gallery, BC 
Geert Maas,
Gallery Telpaz, Ottawa

Geert Maas, Art International New York,
Jacob K. Javits Convention Center, NY
Museum Beelden aan Zee, Scheveningen, The Netherlands
Geert Maas-Sculptures in Bronze and Stoneware,
Headbones Gallery, Vernon, BC
ART 98, International Contemporary Art Exhibition,
1998/1997/1996 Artwalk, (Featured Artist)
Holiday Park Resort, Kelowna, BC

ART 97, International Contemporary Art Exhibition,

La Fédération Internationale de la Médaille Exhibition,
Musée d'Art et d'Histoire, Neuchâtel, Switzerland
XII Biennale Internazionale Del Bronzetto Dantesco,
Ravenna, Italy
Geert Maas 2D and 3D,
Vernon Public Art Gallery at Silver Star, Vernon, BC
Land Biography...Pa(y)ssages of the Okanagan,
Public Art Gallery, Kelowna, BC

Geert Maas: Explorations,
City Hall, Kasugai, Japan

Geert Maas: Multimedia,
Devonian Gardens, Calgary, AB
Geert Maas: Multimedia,
Canadian Sculpture Centre, First Canadian Place, Toronto

Public Art Gallery, Richmond, BC

X Biennale Internazionale Dantesca Di Ravenna,
Centro Dantesco, Ravenna, Italy
La Fédération Internationale de la Médaille Exhibition,
British Museum, London, England

The Holiday Season,
John Black Aird Gallery, Toronto

Art Vancouver,
Robson Square Conference Centre, Vancouver
Helsinki City Art Museum, Helsingin Taidemuseo, Helsinki, Finland

Sculpture British Columbia, Touring Exhibit,
Public Art Galleries: Dawson Creek, Prince George, Vernon, Kelowna, Penticton, BC

S.S.C. 60th Anniversary Exhibition,
John Black Aird Gallery, Toronto
Inaugural Show,
Gardens of Art, Bellingham, Washington, U.S.A.
VIII Biennale Internazionale Dantesca Di Ravenna,
Ravenna, Italy

7th International Small Sculpture Exhibition,
National Museum of Hungary (Mücsarnok Palace of Exhibitions) Budapest, Hungary
Expressions in 3D,
John Black Aird Gallery, Toronto
Erotica the 4th Annual,
Saskatchewan Cultural Exchange Society, Regina
Geert Maas,
KADAC Exhibition, Kelowna, BC
1987/1986 Diversity: an international exhibition of sculpture,
Touring Exhibit, Galleries in Washington State, U.S.A.
1987/1986/1985 Sculpture Show,
Robson Square Media Centre, Vancouver

Kortárs Kanadai Kisplasztika,
Ernst Muzeum, Budapest, Hungary
Sculpture Show,
Salt of the Earth Gallery, Vancouver
On the Beach,
Public Art Gallery, Kelowna, BC
Geert Maas,
Panorama Resort, Invermere, BC
Art - 4 Way Traffic,
Geert Maas Sculpture Gardens and Gallery, Kelowna, BC

Geert Maas Sculpture,
Public Art Gallery, Richmond, BC
Geert Maas,
Public Art Gallery, Prince George, BC

Geert Maas Sculptures,
Public Art Gallery, Vernon, BC
Harvest of the Arts,
Community Skills Gallery, Kelowna, BC
Kelowna Favourites,
Public Art Gallery, Kelowna, BC

Geert Maas Sculptures,
Public Art Gallery, Kamloops, BC

Geert Maas Bronze Sculptor,
Public Art Gallery, Kelowna, BC
Geert Maas Recent Sculpture,
Public Art Gallery, Penticton, BC

Expositie Geert Maas,
Medisch Centrum, Meerlo, The Netherlands

Kunsthuis Breda,
Grote Kerk, Breda, The Netherlands

Geert Maas Multimedia,
Geert Maas Sculpture Gardens & Gallery, Swolgen, The Netherlands

Geert Maas Plastieken,
Kijkduin Academie, The Hague, The Netherlands

Academie Tentoonstelling,
ANWB Gebouw, The Hague, The Netherlands


Canadian Delegate / Participant
Chateau d'Orquevaux, France: Artist-in-Residence (2020)
"XXVII FIDEM" Congress:
Weimar, Germany (2000)
"Sculpture Parks and Gardens Conference"
International Sculpture Center, New Jersey, U.S.A. (1999)
"XXVI FIDEM" Congress:
The Hague, The Netherlands (1998)

Co-ordinator / Participant
"The Best of MASC"
International Medal Exhibition, Kelowna, BC (2008)
"ART 98" & "ART 97"
International Contemporary Art Exhibition, Vancouver  
"ART - 4 Way Traffic"
Kelowna, BC (1986)

Leader / Instructor / Lecturer
Lecture "Spirit of Kelowna," FIDEM XXXI, Congress: Tampere , Finland (2010)
Business of Arts & Culture Forum, Kelowna, BC (2009)
Lecture at the Okanagan Jewish Community Centre, Kelowna, BC (2007)
Hands-on Medallic Sculpture Workshops, Kelowna, BC (2007-2006)
Sculptors' Association of Alberta, Edmonton, Speaker (2006)
Lecture "How independence, diversity and quality in art contribute to optimism" Simon Fraser University at Harbour Centre, Vancouver (2000)
Lecture "The Work of Geert Maas,"
Okanagan University College, Kelowna, BC (1999)
Lectures "Passion and Vision: The Work of Geert Maas,"
Kelowna Public Art Gallery (1999)
Lecture "Art Analysis,"
Kelowna and District Arts Council (1999)
Seminar "Sculpture Analysis,"
at "ART 98" Vancouver 
Seminar "Contemporary Canadian Sculpture,"
at "ART 97" Vancouver
Hands-on Workshop/Seminar "Thompson Valley Potters Guild"
Kamloops, BC (1997)
Hands-on Workshop/Seminar "Kamloops & District Teachers Association,"
Kamloops, BC (1995)
Seminar, Sculptor's Society of Canada,
Toronto (1994)
Workshop and Seminar "Festival of the Midnight Sun,"
Yellowknife, NWT (1993)
Lectures/Seminars "Great Northern Arts Festival,"
Inuvik, NWT (1993)
Sculpture Workshop, Kelowna School of the Arts,
Kelowna, BC (1991)
Seminars, Public Art Galleries:
Dawson Creek, Prince George, Vernon, Kelowna, Penticton, BC (1989)
Sculpture Workshop: Brevard Art Center & Museum,
Melbourne, Fl, U.S.A. (1989)
Hands-on Workshop/Seminar "BC Festival of the Arts,"
Penticton, BC (1984)

Adjudicator / Curator and Project Leader
Okanagan Camera Clubs,
Photo Exhibition (2003)
School District #23, Drawing Competition Japan Festival,
Kelowna, BC (2002)
Thompson Okanagan Network of Arts Councils (TONAC),
Kelowna, BC (2001)
Sand Castle Competition,
Kelowna, BC (2001, 1999)
"Okanagan Mainline Regional Arts Council" (OMRAC) Exhibition,
Kamloops, BC (1997)
"BC Wine Label Awards,"
The Wine Museum, Kelowna, BC (1995)
Visual Art Project, Canada Summer Games,
Kamloops, BC (1993)
"Sculpture British Columbia,"
Sculptor's Society of British Columbia Travelling Exhibition (1989)
"Shushwap Lake Festival of the Arts,"
Sorrento, BC (1988)
"Images and Objects,"
BC Festival of the Arts, Cranbrook, BC (1987)
"Okanagan Valley Jury Show,"
Kamloops, BC (1983)
Drawing and Painting Competition,
Scholen Swolgen, The Netherlands (1977)
Multimedia Competition,
School District Meerlo-Wanssum, The Netherlands (1975)


International Sculpture Center, U.S.A.
Sculptor's Society of Canada
FIDEM - La Fédération Internationale de la Médaille
MASC - Medallic Art Society of Canada, Founding Member & Director
AMSA - American Medallic Sculpture Association
Sculptor's Society of British Columbia
CARFAC Canadian Artists' Representation Le Front des Artistes Canadiens
Okanagan Science & Technology Council
British Columbia Museums Association
Okanagan Lifetime Achievement Arts Award 2010


"GEERT MAAS Member Showcase" Spring/Summer 2024. Issue 63, pages 2 to 5. Behind the MASC - Newsletter of the Medallic Art Society of Canada
"Chateau d'Orquevaux, Members Exchange, The American Medallic Sculpture Association", 2020, Vol. 39 Issue 2, Page 13
"Local artist goes to France", The Okanagan Weekend, Life and Arts, June 2020
"Peachland welcoming top artists", The Daily Courier, September 4, 2019
"Sculpture unveiling in Kasugai",The Daily Courier, November 2018
FIDEM XXXV 2018 Art Medal World Congress & Exhibition, Ottawa, Canada, Canadian Museum of Nature
International Coin and Medal Art, Beijing, China 2017
FIDEM XXXIV 2016 Art Medal World Congress & Exhibition, Gent-Namur, Belgium
"De Beeldenaar" 2011-6-271 Boekbespreking, Karel Soudijn 
"Feature Artist" Carfac BC 2011
"Okanagan Eyes Okanagan Wise Okanagan-Ise" Headbones Gallery 2011
"Maas Monument for MADD" AMSA Members Exchange, April May June 2011
"Quest Canadien ULYSSE" 6e �dition 
"Spirit of Kelowna" Medal Project, M�dailles 2010
"Latest work hits close to home for sculptor" The Okanagan Sunday 2010 
"Maas sculpture, medals installed in Japan, Canada - 'Destiny' medals, sculpture honor global education" AMSA Members Exchange Spring 2010 
"Okanagan artists recognized with awards" Capital News 2010
"Public ART in Vancouver" 2009
"YLW Connection" Fall 2009 
"The Medal" Spring 2009 
"AMSA" Members Exchange Summer 2009
"The Spirituality of Music" 2008 
"The Best of MASC" 2008
"The Spirit of Kelowna - A Celebration of Art & Community" 2008
The Art of Community Spirit" Okanagan Arts 2008
"Ancestry" Tourism Kelowna Visitors' Guide 2008
The Simon Fraser University Collection, Public Art, A Walking Tour 2007
FIDEM XXX Art Medal World Congress & Exhibition, USA 2007
www.bcartnews.com Feature & Interview by Michael A. Jones 2007
American Medallic Sculpture Association presents The Fine Art of Medals, Birmingham Historical Museum & Park 2007
Bellevue Sculpture Exhibition 2006, City of Bellevue, WA, USA
Public Art City of Kelowna 2006
"Kelowna Centennial Time Capsule" behind the MASC 2006
Geert Maas "Making the Museums In Motion Award,"
British Columbia Museums Association, Museums roundup 2005
"The Democracy of Public Sculpture" Mosaic Arts Magazine 2005
"Beyond Two Dimensions: The Fine Art of Medals" Forest Lawn Museum 2005
"Valley's 50 most influential" Okanagan Life 2005
"Mainstage 2005 Thespian and other Award Winners" Theatre BC News 2005
"B.C. regiments to receive commemorative plaque from Dutch Canadians" the Windmill Herald 2005
"Two Decades of Bronze: Geert Maas", Galleries West 2004
"Art on Maas" eVent -Maas on Mass- 2004
"Geert Maas Goddesses-Ancestors-Sunbathers - A Two-Decade Journey"
behind the MASC 2004
"Geert and Elly Maas celebrate 20 years since the beginning of their studio, gallery and sculpture garden" American Medallic Sculpture Association 2004
"Of stone, wood, clay, Goddesses, Ancestors, & Sunbathers - Sculptor Geert Maas celebrates a 20 year journey" Okanagan Life 2004
Capital News: 101 things to do in the Central Okanagan 2005, 2004
"Maquette Sculptures of 2003 China Changchun International Sculpture Symposium"
"Medailles" Catalogue 2003
"MASC" Catalogue 2002-2003
"FIDEM 2002" Catalogue
"ESPACE sculpture" 2002
"Goddesses of the Universe" The Sacramento Bee 2002
"Okanagan Valley is an unexpected Canadian delight" The Express Times 2002
"MAAS-TERPIECES" The Edmonton Sun 2002
"Rock my world!" Westjet Airlines Magazine 2002
"Inspired art" Maas Appeal, Showcase 2002
"Community In Motion" The Daily News Kamloops 2002
"On The Beach" Capital News 2002
Fine Art Ceramics "New Ideas Public Art and Your Studio" 2002
"Goddesses of the Universe" The Okanagan Saturday 2002
Magazin'Art "A Legend in our Time" 2002
"Featured Medallist: Geert Maas" behind the MASC 2002
"Kelowna: From wine to the culture" The Province 2002
"Building Communities" Lake Country Chamber of Commerce 2002-2003 Telephone & Business Directory
Calendar 2002 - Simon Fraser Galleries, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC
"GEERT MAAS Artist in Bronze" Louise Levergneux 2001
"ISC Web Special #4", International Sculpture Center, U.S.A., www.sculpture.org, 2001
"Geert Maas is one of Kelowna's cultural treasures" Seattle Post-Intelligencer 2001
"Circle of Friendship" Okanagan Life 2001
Catalogue GEERT MAAS, Simon Fraser University Galleries 2000
XXVII FIDEM 2000 Internationale Medaillenkunst, 2000 Berlin/Weimar
"Bronze Works" Piano Composition by A.D. Perry 2000
Calendar 2000 - Simon Fraser Galleries, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC
Beautiful British Columbia Traveller / Summer 2000
"Hidden Okanagan" British Columbia Hidden 2000
"Physician's monument" Osoyoos Times 2000
Catalogue "Passion and Vision: The Work of GEERT MAAS" 1999
Passion by Geert Maas, The Ottawa Citizen 1999
City of Vancouver Public Art Walks Downtown Core 1999
art beat - The passion and vision of Geert Maas - Okanagan Life 1999
Art for the Maases - Showcase 1999
"The life of an artist" The Daily Courier 1999
Kelowna and District Arts Council Newsletters 1999
"Garden showcases sculpture" The Daily Courier 1999
"Geert Maas display at ArtWalk" The Calendar 1999
Plump & warped" The Daily Courier 1999
"Modern Art Medals" The Netherlands 1998
"ART International New York 1998"
"ART 98 Vancouver International Fair" 1998
"A Century of Sculpture" Sculptors' Society of British Columbia 1998
"The Creative Voice: Life and Art in the Okanagan" 1998
"A bronze work at the Geert Maas studio" The Edmonton Journal 1998
"Okanagan" The Province 1998
"Work of Art Honours Mainstage Winners" Theatre BC News 1997
"Vancouver International Art 97 Exhibition" 
"FIDEM 1996" Centro Dantesco, Ravenna, Italy 
"Sculpture Parks & Gardens Directory" The International Sculpture Center 1996
"Dutch-Canadian monument finds down-town site" Vancouver 1996 
"Art and Soul of the Interior" Vancouver Sun 1995
"Puzzle Piece Variations" in "Visit Our Gallery" Sculptor's Society of Canada
Geert Maas Sculpture Gardens "Discover Kelowna" Tourism Kelowna 
GIO Globetrotter, Japanese 1994-1995
AAA/CAA Tourbook 1994-2019
Dumont richtig reisen Kanada British Columbia Geert Maas' Skulpturengarten in Kelowna, Okanagan 1999-2019
FODOR'S Canada 1992-2019
Frommer's 1st Edition British Columbia & the Canadian Rockies 2000
Sculptor's Society of Canada 65th Anniversary, Mosaic Press 1993
The Richmond Art Gallery, Geert Maas "Transformations" 1993
"In the Round: Contemporary art medals of the world: FIDEM XXIII" British Museum, London, England 1992
"X Biennale Internazionale Del Bronzetto Dantesco" Ravenna, Italy 1992
"Art Is A Fulltime Profession For Sculptor" Okanagan Sunday & Canadian Press 1991
"Sculpting in the ROUND" CANADIAN/Time Air 1991
"Catalogue : FIDEM XXII" Helsinki, Finland 1990
"Sculptures by Geert Maas: Humanity in Well-Rounded Forms" ESPACE 1989
"Sculpture British Columbia" Sculptor's Society of British Columbia 1989
"VIII Biennale Internazionale Del Bronzetto Dantesco" Ravenna, Italy 1988
"Challenge and Tradition: SSC anniversary exhibition" Sculptor's Society of Canada, Toronto 1988
Calendar Kelowna & District Arts Council 1988
Canwood the okanagan collection 1988
"Budapesti Nemzetközi Kisplasztikai Kiállítás Mücsarnok Palace of Exhibitions - National Museum of Hungary" Budapest, Hungary 1987
"Expressions in 3d" Sculptor's Society of Canada 1987
"Sculpture '87" Sculptor's Society of British Columbia 
"Diversity: an international exhibition of sculpture" North Central Washington Museum, U.S.A. 1986
"Kortárs Kanadai Kisplasztika" Ernst Muzeum, Budapest, Hungary 1986
"Kelowna Favourites" Kelowna Public Art Gallery 1984
"Volumes of Humanity: the Sculpture of Geert Maas" ARTSWEST 1983
"Geert Maas Kelowna Bronze Sculptor" Kelowna Public Art Gallery 1982
"Geert Maas Sculptures" Kelowna 1981
"Catalogus Kunsthuis Breda" The Netherlands 1977


Documentaries :
"Community In Motion" by Geert Maas, Joyce & Bill De Meester, Kelowna, BC 2003-2002
"A Documentary Featuring Geert Maas" Center of Art & Technology, Kelowna, BC 2003
"Geert Maas International Artist" People of Vision - CHBC TV 2000
"Ancestry" A Profile of Geert Maas,Tripod Film & Video Productions, Kelowna, BC 2000
"Passion and Vision: The Work of Geert Maas", Plugged In - Shaw Television, Regional 1999
"Geert Maas - Passion & Vision" Kelowna Art Gallery,Tripod Film & Video Productions, Kelowna, BC 1999
Geert Maas Sculpture Gardens and Gallery, Special Places in British Columbia: BCTV - TV for BC Tour 1997
"Geert Maas at Culture Showcase" Shaw Television: Kelowna, Vernon, Penticton 1997
"Joy of Freedom" Liberation Monument, CHBC TV 1995
"Geert Maas Recent Works" CHBC TV 1992
"Geert Maas showing his Sculpture Gardens, Gallery and Studio in Kelowna" SHAW Television, Penticton 1992
"The Guard" CHBC TV 1989
"Geert Maas Recent Works" CHBC Television 1986
"Footlight" SHAW Television, Kelowna 1985

Interviews :
CBC Radio West, Public Art, 2016
SHAW Television 2011, 2010, 2007, 2005, 1986
Kelowna.com 2010
CBC Radio, Provincial, "North by Northwest" 2007, 2002, 1999
CHBC Television 2007, 2005, 2004, 2002, 1999, 1997, 1996, 1994 & 1987
Roberts On the Road "Geert Maas" CHBC-TV 2004, 2001
Geert Maas Sculpture, SHAW Television 2001
Rogers 22 Television "Daytime" Ottawa 1999
CBC Radio, Regional, "Morningside" 1999
CBC Radio "On the Arts" 1996
CKIQ Radio 1996, 1993

If you would like to contact us.

Updated March 2025 © Copyright 1965-2025 Geert Maas & Geert Maas Sculpture Gardens and Gallery Inc.